is based in Nottingham, England. We have been creating Vespa-themed merchandise since 2011. Our products are artwork-driven with an emphasis on quality and originality.

We're proud to have our designs worn by discerning scooterists all around the world. In the past, we've sent DoubleGood stickers, pin badges and scarves from our base in the UK to destinations all over Europe, North America, Asia and Australasia. Currently, we only sell through our clothing partners,, who supply internationally.


email: doublegooduk AT gmail DOT com

You can also reach us via the contact form at the DoubleGood Store:

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[we're not actually active on Facebook]

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On Tumblr we post original scooter-themed artwork, illustrations and drawings - extra content that's not usually seen on our main site.

DoubleGood has been involved in the design of some of the embroidered scooter patches previously available at the forums. A gallery of those designs can be seen here. >>